
Birthday traditions

Does anyone else have a holiday baby?

My soon to be four year old’s birthday falls on a big party day. St. Patty’s day! Ever since I was pregnant I wanted to do a tradition with my child no matter when his birthday was. So since he decided to come into this world three weeks early on a holiday I decided to do a tradition of making him green pancakes for breakfast, he also gets a cupcake for after dinner, now that he’s in school he gets to bring in fun holiday cookies for his friends, and we always make sure to go to build-a-bear to get him his birthday bear. I also love getting shirts made so every year he gets his personalized birthday shirt to wear also. He is starting to catch on with the traditions he gets during his birthday and has already been talking about going to make a bear haha. I never got any fun traditions for my birthday because my sister’s and mine fell a week apart so we always had to share everything from birthday parties or going out to dinner for our birthday.

We are currently expecting a little girl due in July and can not wait to do fun traditions with her also. We are secretly hoping she makes her arrival on July 4th and we will have two holiday babies!

What are some traditions you do with your kids for their birthdays?