baby girl, baby shower, Baby things, kids, pregnancy, second baby, Uncategorized

2020 in my eyes

This year has been one for the books! I never in a million years imagined it would have ended up the way it has. I just started a new position at a new daycare at the beginning of the year and found out we were having a baby girl in July and very excited about it all!

Once COVID-19 made its way to us, everyone at work and around us starting freaking out and worried about what was about to happen. Once they shut schools down I started to worry, especially since I have kids and I was pregnant. Once March hit things went nuts. The day before my son’s fourth birthday, I was told to stay home and apply for unemployment. This was so hard on my son more than me because he was so excited to celebrate his birthday with his friends but he was not able to. We also had to cancel all birthday plans for him and just do a small very close family member party for him. I was very thankful that I was able to get unemployment through all of it, especially since we had nothing for a new baby.

I am lucky that my job has reopened for now and I am able to bring my kids with me.

Even with all the craziness and stress with being pregnant and having a baby through this pandemic, once she was born and laid on my chest everything about it went away.

I am pretty sure that if this did not happen I would have never gotten back into my blog, change my Instagram page to what I have always wanted to do, be a mom influencer, or even be in line for the director position at my job! I have also gotten back into fitness and have found a new love for it and I feel like if I was not laid off for those few months that I wouldn’t have gotten out there and gotten the courage to just go for things and see them through. I know Covid ruined a lot of things for a lot of people, but for me it did just the opposite. I am looking at it happening in a positive light instead of negative.

This year I had my daughter and have been able to watch Kendyn grow into a big brother that absolutely loves his sister and my family has been healthy and thriving. That is all such a blessing and I am very thankful!

food, kids, Uncategorized

The Christmas Tag 2020

It’s Christmas time and we all know what gives it the most loyal company. That’s right, let’s do a Christmas tag. So grab a drink, maybe a snack or two and enjoy!

Thank you for the tag! Check out her blog after you are finished reading this, she has a wonderful site.


  • Turn your favorite Christmas music up as you answer these questions.
  • Grab a drink and/or snack while writing
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you and link their site.
  • Answer the 10 original questions
  • Answer the questions set by whoever has tagged you
  • Ask two questions of your own
  • Tag 6 other bloggers to take part

The original questions

When do your decorations go up?

I don’t really have a specific date that we start. The only thing we really decorate is putting the tree up, and we do that AFTER Thanksgiving.

Who is the scrooge in your family or friendship group?

My husband. Surprisingly this year he is actually in the spirit a lot more than usual.

If money were no object, where and how would you spend your Christmas?

I would take the family and we would just go on a vacation and enjoy each other’s company and relax.

What Christmas film do you HAVE to watch every festive season?

A Christmas Story.

Who do you find the hardest to buy presents for?

My oldest step son.

Would you buy lots of little presents for a hamper or buy one main big one?

I would prefer to do little ones, I love wrapping and putting them all together.

What did you leave for Santa when you were little?

Cookies and milk.

Where did you spend the last Christmas?

With my close family, just like we do every year.

Which Christmas song makes you cringe?

I don’t really have one.

If you could be a character in a holiday movie, which would you be and why?

I love the movie The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix. I would be the little girl in the movie because every little kid has always wanted to “catch” Santa. She did and had so much fun saving Christmas.

Grace’s Questions

If you could perform a Christmas miracle, what would it be?

I would love for my late grandfather to be able to meet his grandchildren. He was such a huge person in my life and It makes me sad that he was never able to meet them.

Your favorite Christmas dessert?

I always look forward to my grandma’s puppy chow!

My questions

Do you like to host Christmas or travel?

Do you let your kids open one gift on Christmas Eve?

My nominees are:

I hope you had just as much fun reading this as I did writing it! I hope that you all have a fun and safe Christmas and New Year.

Baby things, business, kids, Uncategorized

Balancing work and family

Being a full-time working mother can lead to feelings of guilt and stress from divided attention between work and family. I am extremely thankful that I am able to take my children with me to work but I still have to be able to share attention between work and family. The key is to focus on a plan, get organized, and find the right balance for you.

Make your mornings easier

Avoid starting your day off on a frazzled note by getting organized the night before. Pack the kids’ lunches, lay out everyone’s clothes, and make sure everyone is showered. I also will make sure I figure out what I want to do for breakfast, make sure you repack the diaper bag, backpacks, your purse and make sure you put them out near the door so all you have to do is grab them and go. Divide up the schedule between you and your significant other, determining which parent buys groceries, gets the kids dressed, and who cooks the meals. I also make sure I get up early enough to drink my coffee and exercise. Making sure you have everything finished the night before will allow you to spend a few more minutes eating breakfast and spending time with the kids without feeling rushed out of the house.

Create a family calendar

Make sure you figure out your families priorities. A calendar can include dates when bills are due, a list of school and family events, chore chart, extracurricular activities, birthdays, and much more. My husband and I have a shared calendar on our phones so he knows when i make appointments. We also have a whiteboard calendar hung up in our home where I write important things including birthdays, bills, school activities, and appointments. Make sure you set aside a couple minutes each Sunday to prepare and review for the upcoming week’s schedule.

Stay connected during the day

Make sure you stay connected even when you’re not together. If you are going to miss or be late to a child’s event, give them something special that morning, like a good-luck gift or a special note. Also look into filming options for the event so that you can watch it later. During your breaks at work. make sure to call and talk to them. Hearing their voice can help you get through a rough day, and your child will be comforted knowing you are near.

Create special family activities

Making time for your kids is very crucial during the week and the weekend. If you are pressed for time, have a family breakfast or family night with games and a movie. Have family outings, and when you do go to the outings avoid talking about work or checking your phone. Focus on your kids’ interests such as hobbies, friends, school. In the end, it really doesn’t matter what you do just as long as you do it as a family.

Spend time with your partner

Do not forget to nurture your relationshio with your partner. Often, if you are busy with work and home, your partner is the first to get neglected. Fostering this relationship will bring back some excitment to the relationship. For some couples, going out on a monthly date night can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t focus on each other. You can always have an indoor date night by cooking a meal together or even sitting together with a glass of wine and talking, not about kids or work.

Have “me” time

If you are managing your time wisely, you can fit in valuable “me” time. Having a refreshing break will help you recharge while taking care of your needs. You cannot be an efffective parent or spouse if you are always cranky, so make sure you take time to care for yourself and feel relaxed. Remember to eat well and get enough rest, the most simple things are the easiest to neglect.

Let go of the guilt

Instead of dwelling on how you can’t be with your kids, think about how your role at work is benefitting your family. Maybe you are able to afford a great school, extracurricular activities, the best daycare, or start a college fund. Accepting that there will be good and bad days, you are not alone and you should discuss your feelings with your partner or support groups.

husbands, Uncategorized

Things we do that annoy our husbands

So I was thinking it was only fair to ask my husband and have other ladies as their husbands what we do that annoy them.

These responses are pretty hilarious and the ones my husband said are very true haha.

“Taking forever to make appointments, especially because I don’t want to call.”

Why is this a recurring complaint haha. I am the one to call and make appointments as well. Anyone else?

“Move things around the house every few weeks.”

This is not me lol, my husband is the one who likes to move things around.

“I ‘baby’ our daughter”

I mean, what mom doesn’t baby their kids?

“I’m untidy apparently.”


“Babying our son and not remembering things.”

Well, again what mom doesn’t baby their kids? HELLO! it’s called mom brain lol.

“Moan or get grumpy”

We are allowed to be grumpy lol

“I have to have something that is expensive and then I only use it a handful of times.”

This is true, I can’t deny this statement

“I pout about a lot”

Yes, again can’t deny lol

“I want things right now and if I don’t get my way I pout.”

I am trying to work on this, OKAY? lol


This was fun to do, thank you for everyone who joined in with me so that I could make these blog posts.

Is there anything else you do that annoys your husband? I would love to read about them in the comments.

I want to say thank you to all of my followers for all of the feedback and enjoying my posts, I really could not do this without all of you!