
Christmas gifts for a toddler girl

My two year old has way too many toys that she barley even touches. We tend to the kids things throughout the year and they get board quickly. So this year with me working from home and having her with me all day, I wanted to get learning toys and things I know she will actually use. These are what are on my list or what I have bought already, I also have random things like candy for stocking stuffers, socks, winter jacket, etc.

Scoop and stack ice cream: She loves stacking things and has a kitchen from last year, this helps with those motor skills with scooping and stacking. She has played with this before at her great grandmas and every time she goes there she looks for these and will sit for hours just playing with this.

Echo show 5: We have been thinking about getting one of these for the kids and when we saw it on sale we had to jump on the opportunity. She loves music and someone reading to her so we thought she would love being able to watch animation to books while we read them and she can play music and dance around.

Wooden drink dispenser: Again she loves “preparing” food for us so I figured she would love to have some cups with ice to give us also.

Wooden puzzles: These are always a good go to with learning. They help with matching and the hand eye coordination to put the pieces back together.

Water doodle mat: What a great mess free way for your toddler to have fun! My daughter loves to draw and color but while I am working it is hard to make sure she’s not making those beautiful wall portraits. So these are a great way for her to get that creative itch out mess free.

""Little Tikes frog pond water table: Call me crazy but she loves pouring water from cup to cup so I was brave with this one and will get a table cover to go under this one for some pouring play.

"" Busy board: These are great to either keep your toddler busy for awhile but also helping with fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.

These are just some ideas I have so far, I am sure we will add a few other things like play food and she also is getting a big girl full size bed so we will be getting her Gabby’s Dollhouse comforter set for it as well.

I hope this helps you out some with your shopping this year and makes it a little less stressful.

These are just some ideas I have so far, I am sure we will add a few other things like play food and she also is getting a big girl full size bed so we will be getting her Gabby’s Dollhouse comforter set for it as well.

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