Baby things, kids, pregnancy, Third baby

The third pregnancy

well my friends, I haven’t posted much about my third pregnancy because well, I have two other needy young kids and I’m just exhausted everyday.

I decided I wanted to write a post about this pregnancy and what I have experienced so far with all the ups and downs. This little one has been cooking for 22 weeks now and man I feel like I just found out.

Real BIG real FAST

I have definitely found out that the more pregnancies you have the faster you show. I also have noticed that when I personally carry boys I am huge everywhere ahaha. It really seemed that my body really jumped at the opportunity to grow and enlarge fast this time around. I was still in my first trimester when I grew out of my pants already.

Curious older siblings

One thing that I have found really enjoyable is my oldest is at the age he enjoys feeling the baby move and understands what is happening. My two year old just thinks everyone has a baby in their belly which is quite funny to watch. I have taken them to all appointments and my oldest loves being able to see his baby brother on the ultrasounds and hear his heartbeat. He asks every time we go if we can hear him.

Back pain Galore

I am convinced I have a back of a 70 year old woman at this point. Any activity I do I can’t do it for long because in comes the back pain. Just the most simple things picking up the floor, doing dishes, cooking. I am in pain and have to take a break. I think it has a lot to do with him staying so low but man it’s no fun. I am almost to the point I am going to have to invest in a belly band for the rest of this pregnancy.

So much love for baby

Even though this pregnancy was very much unplanned, I feel like he came at a time we needed him the most. When I found out we were going through some rough times and I really feel like this was meant to be. There’s also just something more familiar about the third pregnancy that makes us focus more on the baby rather than the pregnancy. I also a, soaking in ALL the littlest movements because I know this will for sure be my last time going through this experience and it will be gone before I know it.

As of now that pretty much sums it up in a quick post, I will try to keep updates more often and post more on here again, I really do miss writing even if not slot of people care I do enjoy it and appreciate the love I do get.

You can also follow me on Instagram, I would love to have you there also.

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