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Balancing work and family

Being a full-time working mother can lead to feelings of guilt and stress from divided attention between work and family. I am extremely thankful that I am able to take my children with me to work but I still have to be able to share attention between work and family. The key is to focus on a plan, get organized, and find the right balance for you.

Make your mornings easier

Avoid starting your day off on a frazzled note by getting organized the night before. Pack the kids’ lunches, lay out everyone’s clothes, and make sure everyone is showered. I also will make sure I figure out what I want to do for breakfast, make sure you repack the diaper bag, backpacks, your purse and make sure you put them out near the door so all you have to do is grab them and go. Divide up the schedule between you and your significant other, determining which parent buys groceries, gets the kids dressed, and who cooks the meals. I also make sure I get up early enough to drink my coffee and exercise. Making sure you have everything finished the night before will allow you to spend a few more minutes eating breakfast and spending time with the kids without feeling rushed out of the house.

Create a family calendar

Make sure you figure out your families priorities. A calendar can include dates when bills are due, a list of school and family events, chore chart, extracurricular activities, birthdays, and much more. My husband and I have a shared calendar on our phones so he knows when i make appointments. We also have a whiteboard calendar hung up in our home where I write important things including birthdays, bills, school activities, and appointments. Make sure you set aside a couple minutes each Sunday to prepare and review for the upcoming week’s schedule.

Stay connected during the day

Make sure you stay connected even when you’re not together. If you are going to miss or be late to a child’s event, give them something special that morning, like a good-luck gift or a special note. Also look into filming options for the event so that you can watch it later. During your breaks at work. make sure to call and talk to them. Hearing their voice can help you get through a rough day, and your child will be comforted knowing you are near.

Create special family activities

Making time for your kids is very crucial during the week and the weekend. If you are pressed for time, have a family breakfast or family night with games and a movie. Have family outings, and when you do go to the outings avoid talking about work or checking your phone. Focus on your kids’ interests such as hobbies, friends, school. In the end, it really doesn’t matter what you do just as long as you do it as a family.

Spend time with your partner

Do not forget to nurture your relationshio with your partner. Often, if you are busy with work and home, your partner is the first to get neglected. Fostering this relationship will bring back some excitment to the relationship. For some couples, going out on a monthly date night can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t focus on each other. You can always have an indoor date night by cooking a meal together or even sitting together with a glass of wine and talking, not about kids or work.

Have “me” time

If you are managing your time wisely, you can fit in valuable “me” time. Having a refreshing break will help you recharge while taking care of your needs. You cannot be an efffective parent or spouse if you are always cranky, so make sure you take time to care for yourself and feel relaxed. Remember to eat well and get enough rest, the most simple things are the easiest to neglect.

Let go of the guilt

Instead of dwelling on how you can’t be with your kids, think about how your role at work is benefitting your family. Maybe you are able to afford a great school, extracurricular activities, the best daycare, or start a college fund. Accepting that there will be good and bad days, you are not alone and you should discuss your feelings with your partner or support groups.

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After birth must haves

It seems like everyone makes sure to prepare for the baby by making sure your bags for the hospital are packed, the car seat is installed, and the nursery is ready. It is rare that we think about what mom will need after delivery. This list I have put together is what helped me with my son and it is what I will be doing when I have my daughter. With my son I had to do a lot of research since I was a new mom and had no idea what I needed. This list is not a pretty one but it is definitely an essential one!

Numbing Spray- I used before and will use again Dermoplast. This is what the hospital gave me with my son and this time I bought an extra one so I wont run out.

Peri-Bottle- It will sting a bit when you use the bathroom after birth. This bottle was a life savor! You simply fill the bottle with warm water and spray while using the bathroom to help with the sting.

Nipple Cream– This is a huge necessity for breastfeeding moms. I chose to use Earth Mama’s Organic Nipple Butter (You can find it below in the link to my amazon storefront.) It is natural and safe for baby, meaning you don’t have to worry about wiping it off before nursing. It is amazing to help soothe, moisturize, and protect sore or cracked nipples.

Breast pads- I have decided to use reusable this time, I feel like it will be easier and help on having to buy them all the time. You can find the link below to my amazon storefront to find them.

Padsicles- If you put witch hazel and aloe on a pad and freeze it, it will help with relief.

Nursing tanks/bras- These are amazing if you plan on breastfeeding, it makes it a lot easier to snap and unsnap the straps. I also have these in my amazon storefront.

Water and Snacks- This is so important and so easy to forget at the same time! The baby is taking most of your nutrients, you need to make sure your not getting dehydrated. Keep taking your prenatal and have water by you at all times. While breastfeeding, your appetite will grow, so make sure you have snacks near at all times.

Haakaa- I wish I knew about this with my first. This goes on your boob that you are not nursing on and will catch the letdown so you do not waste any milk. I did end up purchasing one for this time around so there will not be any wasted milk!

I hope you found this helpful! Please share with your expecting mama friends or postpartum mamas! I hope everyone has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery and a quick and smooth recovery!

What was/is on your postpartum must have list?

Lets Connect!


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Hospital Bag Checklist

Here I am at 31 weeks pregnant, thinking about what I should pack in my hospital bag this time around. I feel like with my oldest I over packed which is normal for me anyhow. So I have been doing some research on the necessities and I am going to try to stick with just those. I don’t plan on actually packing until around 33-34 weeks, but I do like to get the items ahead of time so I know I have everything.

Mom’s Bag

  1. Birth plan- I personally don’t have one and I didn’t have one for my oldest, but if you do make sure to make copies and pack them.
  2. Toiletries- Don’t forget these! These items include: hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair ties, shampoo, conditioner, loofah, body wash, chap stick, deodorant, glasses/contact lenses, flip flops for shower.
  3. Comfortable clothes- You will want loose fitting clothes/ PJ set.
  4. If you plan on breastfeeding, you will want to pack these items: nursing pad, nursing bra and shirt, and nipple cream. (your nipples will appreciate you)
  5. If you want to bring your own pillows and bath towel. The towels in the hospital are not extremely nice.

Baby Bag

  1. Car seat- You have to have your car seat to take your baby home. I recommend bringing it in with you, especially if you are having your baby during this pandemic, they might not let you go back out to get it.
  2. Going home outfit- I am planning on packing two outfits just to make sure. Also packing a hat and a couple bows.
  3. Pediatricians contact info- The doctors and nurses will ask you for this, just make sure you have it handy.
  4. Do not bring diapers! They will have them for you. I am using a specific kind of wipes so I am going to pack wipes. If you are not specific then don’t pack either.

Partners Bag

  1. Lots of snacks! You never knonw how long you will be in labor. Also it will be nice to have some snacks for yourself once you are able to eat again.
  2. Pillow and Blanket- If you do not want to use the thin and small hospital ones.
  3.  General Entertainment- Like I said before, you don’t know how long the process is going to be so bring something to keep you occupied.
  4.  Change of clothes
  5. Bathroom necessities

Now that you are all packed, it will be much easier to grab the bags and get to the hospital quicker. I wish all the mommas to be a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery!

What are some other items that you have packed or plan on packing?



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My Second Trimester

second trimester


Am I really already out of my second trimester? The time has flown by during this pregnancy and I have no idea how, hah. Today marks my first day in my third trimester and the day I go take my glucose test.

Everyone has a different experience and every pregnancy is different. I know between this one and my first, they are night and day!

My second trimester has been by far the best weeks! I had energy (until the last week) and I could actually eat again. As I sit here and write this she is currently doing flips into my ribs. Thanks baby girl! This was by far my favorite thing about this trimester. With this pregnancy I was able to feel her a lot earlier than I did with my son, and my husband and son were actually able to feel her move sooner than we did with my son. She is a very active baby, WAY more active than her brother was in the womb! It does not matter what I am doing, she loves letting me know she’s in there and I am 100% okay with that!

Here are some symptoms I had in the second trimester.

Leg Cramps/Tightness- These started the later in the day and I just felt like I couldn’t stretch good enough. I would have my husband rub them and it would help but come back a couple minutes later.

Back Pain- I had back pain that started in the late first trimester and it went away for a couple weeks but came back with force at the end of my second trimester. I have been cleaning like crazy every since this pandemic started, and my lower back hates it.

Sleep, What is that?- I use three pillows at night to help get me comfortable. The bigger baby girl has gotten, the harder it is to sleep all through the night. Like I said before, she is quite the kicker and flipper. She will wake me up multiple times a night with a swift kick to the rib or bladder, then I have to get up to use the bathroom.

Cravings?- This is so weird to me because I have not had any cravings with this pregnancy and with my oldest it was everyday I just had to have something.

Bleeding Gums/Nose- This is a very common symptom in pregnancy. With my oldest I did not know that and being a first time mom I took myself to the hospital one night because my nose would not stop bleeding and I thought something was wrong. Yes, this is a common symptom so do not freak out like I did!

In all honestly, all the symptoms that come with being pregnant are not so bad when you feel that bundle of joy moving around. It is the best feeling in the world, even when they kick your ribs. I know I will miss it dearly when it is all over.

I cannot believe that in 12 weeks or less we will be meeting our little girl!

Lets Connect!



Thank you for all the support! I really do enjoy writing these posts for you guys and I hope you enjoy them just as much.

What are some symptoms you are having or had during your second trimester?

Baby things, business, second baby, Uncategorized, work from home

Old wives tales and my pregnancies

Now that you found out that you are expecting, I know one of the first things women think about is wondering what the gender will be. I know with both of my pregnancies I liked to look at different old wives tales just for fun to see what they said about what the gender might be. There are so many and a lot of them are just silly, but it is fun to just try them out and be curious. I have decided to gather up five old wives tales and put them side by side with both of my pregnancies.

1. If you are carrying high, it’s a girl!

Now I know there is no scientific reason that this is true, but with both of my pregnancies this is the case.

With my first, who was a boy, I carried him low and with this pregnancy I am having a girl and she is definitely high.

She is always playing on my ribs, haha.

2. Lots of morning sickness? It’s a girl!

I think this is true with me, this pregnancy I did have morning sickness the whole first trimester, to the point that I lost weight.

With my son, I never had any kind of morning sickness and never had an issue with weight gain or eating.

3. Craving salty foods? It’s a boy! Craving sweet foods? It’s a girl!

This one is silly in my opinion.

With my son I craved just about anything sweet or salty. With this pregnancy, I am five days away from my third trimester and I have not had any cravings at all.

4. Low fetal heartrate? boy. High fetal heartrate? girl.

Some people believe that if the heartrate is above 140 bpm then it is a girl, and if it’s under 140 bpm then it’s a boy.

With my oldest his was between 140-160 bpm and with my daughters, hers has been between 160-170 bpm.

The heartrate can change from one movement to the next, no matter what the gender is.

5. Partners weight gain

This old wives tale says, if your partner gains weight with you then that could be a sign that you are having a girl.

This was not true for me.

With my oldest, who is a boy, my husband and I gained a ton of weight. With this pregnancy, who is a girl, neither one of us have gained a lot of weight.

I am curious if anyone else had the same or different outcomes with these, and what other ones have you checked out?

Here are some links to get discounts of baby items.

Custom Pacifiers

use code name 9CAA31 for $30 off!

Baby Leggings

use code name 9caa31 for $50 off!

Carseat Canopy

use code name 9caa31 for $50 off!

Baby Slings

use code name 9caa31 for $30 off!

Arbonne Baby Care Set

This is my website for my online business. We have all natural products, vegan, gluten free, non GMO, and cruelty free. My son uses this line and it has helped his dry skin so much!



