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The Christmas Tag 2020

It’s Christmas time and we all know what gives it the most loyal company. That’s right, let’s do a Christmas tag. So grab a drink, maybe a snack or two and enjoy!

Thank you for the tag! Check out her blog after you are finished reading this, she has a wonderful site.


  • Turn your favorite Christmas music up as you answer these questions.
  • Grab a drink and/or snack while writing
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you and link their site.
  • Answer the 10 original questions
  • Answer the questions set by whoever has tagged you
  • Ask two questions of your own
  • Tag 6 other bloggers to take part

The original questions

When do your decorations go up?

I don’t really have a specific date that we start. The only thing we really decorate is putting the tree up, and we do that AFTER Thanksgiving.

Who is the scrooge in your family or friendship group?

My husband. Surprisingly this year he is actually in the spirit a lot more than usual.

If money were no object, where and how would you spend your Christmas?

I would take the family and we would just go on a vacation and enjoy each other’s company and relax.

What Christmas film do you HAVE to watch every festive season?

A Christmas Story.

Who do you find the hardest to buy presents for?

My oldest step son.

Would you buy lots of little presents for a hamper or buy one main big one?

I would prefer to do little ones, I love wrapping and putting them all together.

What did you leave for Santa when you were little?

Cookies and milk.

Where did you spend the last Christmas?

With my close family, just like we do every year.

Which Christmas song makes you cringe?

I don’t really have one.

If you could be a character in a holiday movie, which would you be and why?

I love the movie The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix. I would be the little girl in the movie because every little kid has always wanted to “catch” Santa. She did and had so much fun saving Christmas.

Grace’s Questions

If you could perform a Christmas miracle, what would it be?

I would love for my late grandfather to be able to meet his grandchildren. He was such a huge person in my life and It makes me sad that he was never able to meet them.

Your favorite Christmas dessert?

I always look forward to my grandma’s puppy chow!

My questions

Do you like to host Christmas or travel?

Do you let your kids open one gift on Christmas Eve?

My nominees are:

I hope you had just as much fun reading this as I did writing it! I hope that you all have a fun and safe Christmas and New Year.

Baby things, food, kids, Uncategorized

Holiday family activities

This holiday season is going to look a lot different than we are used to. If you have been wondering how in the world are you going to keep your kids busy and pay for this holiday season, It is time to get creative. I have thought about a few ideas that you can do with the family and I wanted to share with you.

Take a drive around your neighborhood

See everyone’s festive lights and then everyone can talk about which one was their favorite.

Holiday movie night

Get everyone together, pop some popcorn, and get cuddled up watching everyone’s favorite holiday movie

Make a gingerbread house

You can not go through the holiday season and not make at least one of these.

Make red and green paper chains

You can make these to hang around the house, on the tree, or even for a countdown for how many days left until Christmas Day!

Make gingerbread ornaments

You can look up a gingerbread recipe and make cute little ornaments for your tree.

Make a snowman, fort, igloo, etc.

If you live in an area where you normally get snow, try to make the best of it! Forts, snowball fights, snowmen, etc. are a fun way to keep kids entertained for hours!

Advent calendar

You can get inexpensive ones, and they are something your children will look forward to everyday until Christmas.

Go through gently used toys and clothes

Before the kids receive their new clothes and toys, have them go through their items to give to a child who could use it more.

Make cookies or other treats

Make some treats even if you do not want them in the house you can deliver them to your local fire department, neighbors, or other family members. Consider those who may not have family close by or have to work during the holidays.

Write a letter to Santa

If you have little ones that still believe in Santa, this is a great way to have them practice their writing skills with a letter to the North-Pole.

Holiday books from the library

Even with COVID, the libraries are doing curb side pickup for books so you do not have to go inside if you do not want to.

Have a slumber party

Kids love indoor “camping” so grab your pillows and blankets and have a cozy night sleeping by the tree.

I hope these come in handy for you and your family. If you have any other ideas you are planning on doing this year or what you normally do I would love to read them in the comments.

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After birth must haves

It seems like everyone makes sure to prepare for the baby by making sure your bags for the hospital are packed, the car seat is installed, and the nursery is ready. It is rare that we think about what mom will need after delivery. This list I have put together is what helped me with my son and it is what I will be doing when I have my daughter. With my son I had to do a lot of research since I was a new mom and had no idea what I needed. This list is not a pretty one but it is definitely an essential one!

Numbing Spray- I used before and will use again Dermoplast. This is what the hospital gave me with my son and this time I bought an extra one so I wont run out.

Peri-Bottle- It will sting a bit when you use the bathroom after birth. This bottle was a life savor! You simply fill the bottle with warm water and spray while using the bathroom to help with the sting.

Nipple Cream– This is a huge necessity for breastfeeding moms. I chose to use Earth Mama’s Organic Nipple Butter (You can find it below in the link to my amazon storefront.) It is natural and safe for baby, meaning you don’t have to worry about wiping it off before nursing. It is amazing to help soothe, moisturize, and protect sore or cracked nipples.

Breast pads- I have decided to use reusable this time, I feel like it will be easier and help on having to buy them all the time. You can find the link below to my amazon storefront to find them.

Padsicles- If you put witch hazel and aloe on a pad and freeze it, it will help with relief.

Nursing tanks/bras- These are amazing if you plan on breastfeeding, it makes it a lot easier to snap and unsnap the straps. I also have these in my amazon storefront.

Water and Snacks- This is so important and so easy to forget at the same time! The baby is taking most of your nutrients, you need to make sure your not getting dehydrated. Keep taking your prenatal and have water by you at all times. While breastfeeding, your appetite will grow, so make sure you have snacks near at all times.

Haakaa- I wish I knew about this with my first. This goes on your boob that you are not nursing on and will catch the letdown so you do not waste any milk. I did end up purchasing one for this time around so there will not be any wasted milk!

I hope you found this helpful! Please share with your expecting mama friends or postpartum mamas! I hope everyone has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery and a quick and smooth recovery!

What was/is on your postpartum must have list?

Lets Connect!


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Baby things, easter, food, Uncategorized

Five Easter crafts and food ideas

I have decided to put a list of Easter crafts and food ideas that you can do with your kids this year since we are stuck inside for another thirty days. I will be posting links for items that if you do not have them already at home you can order them online. I know this year is going to be hard for families and their normal traditions will have to be changed but at least you are home safe and able to still do something with your kids. I wanted to make some kind of light out of these crazy times and help some families still have fun and have something to do. So here is my list I have found and put together for you, I hope you enjoy!

  1. Easter chick fork painting


All you will need for this craft is: Yellow paint , plastic forks ,  googly eyes , orange felt , scissors, glue, and a black pen.

This is very simple, you just dip the fork in the paint and go around in a circle, once you are finished with that you take the black pen and make your chick some cute little legs. Add your googly eyes with your glue and put the beak on with the cut out piece of felt. Now you have a cute little fork painting chick!

2. Egg carton flowers


All you will need for this craft is: acrylic paint , non foam egg carton, glue, paper straws , paint brush ,  pom poms , and scissors.

After you are finished with dying eggs you don’t have to throw away the cartons, you can just make them a fun art project for your kiddos. First cut out four container of the egg carton to make four sides. I would get a plate and put a little bit of each color of paint on the plate so your kids can pick what colors and where to put them at. After the paint is all dry you can glue your pom pom in the middle of your flower and glue the straw on the back. Simple and quick craft for any age child and you can put them in a vase if you want to.

3. Toilet paper roll bunny stamps


All you will need for this craft is: white paint , cardstock paper (cardstock hold up better in my opinion),  toilet paper rolls (or paper towel rolls), and a black marker.

This one is very simple and super cute! First you tape three toilet paper/paper towel rolls together and make sure they are all level. Then the top two bend them a little bit to make them look like bunny ears. I would use a paper plate and pour some white paint on it and then let your kids make stamps all over the paper. After they are finished making their bunnies, you can draw the faces on them using a black marker.

4. Rice krispies Easter egg treats


What you will need for these adorable egg treats are: marshmallows , rice krispies cereal, food coloring , butter, non stick spray, and plastic easter eggs

Melt 10oz of marshmallows and 6 TBSP of butter in a bowl in the microwave, make sure to stir occasionally. After the butter and marshmallows are melted, separate them into two separate bowls and add food coloring of your choice to each bowl and about 3 cups of Rice Krispies Cereal into each bowl. Once it is all mixed together, put non sick spray into the plastic eggs and put some of the mixture into the eggs. Remove the Rice Krispies from the eggs and YAY you have delicious Rice Krispies Eggs.

5. Easter bunny pancakes


What you will need for these cute bunny pancakes are: pancake mix , bananas,syrup (if you like syrup with your pancakes), and blueberries.

What a cute way for your kids to eat their breakfast Easter morning! All you have to do is make pancakes, cut a banana in half for the ears, use the blueberries for the eyes and you can even use it for his nose, and you can either use cheese (which I find strange) or you can use whipped cream for the whiskers even  though it wont be as neat and perfect.

I hope you guys enjoy these cute ideas for Easter this year. I know it is not the way we like to do things but lets try to make the best out of a not so great situation! Let me know if you try any of these ideas with your kids!


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