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After birth must haves

It seems like everyone makes sure to prepare for the baby by making sure your bags for the hospital are packed, the car seat is installed, and the nursery is ready. It is rare that we think about what mom will need after delivery. This list I have put together is what helped me with my son and it is what I will be doing when I have my daughter. With my son I had to do a lot of research since I was a new mom and had no idea what I needed. This list is not a pretty one but it is definitely an essential one!

Numbing Spray- I used before and will use again Dermoplast. This is what the hospital gave me with my son and this time I bought an extra one so I wont run out.

Peri-Bottle- It will sting a bit when you use the bathroom after birth. This bottle was a life savor! You simply fill the bottle with warm water and spray while using the bathroom to help with the sting.

Nipple Cream– This is a huge necessity for breastfeeding moms. I chose to use Earth Mama’s Organic Nipple Butter (You can find it below in the link to my amazon storefront.) It is natural and safe for baby, meaning you don’t have to worry about wiping it off before nursing. It is amazing to help soothe, moisturize, and protect sore or cracked nipples.

Breast pads- I have decided to use reusable this time, I feel like it will be easier and help on having to buy them all the time. You can find the link below to my amazon storefront to find them.

Padsicles- If you put witch hazel and aloe on a pad and freeze it, it will help with relief.

Nursing tanks/bras- These are amazing if you plan on breastfeeding, it makes it a lot easier to snap and unsnap the straps. I also have these in my amazon storefront.

Water and Snacks- This is so important and so easy to forget at the same time! The baby is taking most of your nutrients, you need to make sure your not getting dehydrated. Keep taking your prenatal and have water by you at all times. While breastfeeding, your appetite will grow, so make sure you have snacks near at all times.

Haakaa- I wish I knew about this with my first. This goes on your boob that you are not nursing on and will catch the letdown so you do not waste any milk. I did end up purchasing one for this time around so there will not be any wasted milk!

I hope you found this helpful! Please share with your expecting mama friends or postpartum mamas! I hope everyone has a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery and a quick and smooth recovery!

What was/is on your postpartum must have list?

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Checklist for third trimester

You are now in the homestretch, this is the time to make sure you have all your i’s dotted and t’s crossed. A lot of people think the third trimester just drags by but I honestly have thought it has gone by really fast with this pregnancy. I am 37 weeks today and they consider that full term! My first came the week of 37 weeks so I am making sure everything is together and ready this week just in case. I would be lying if I said I was ready and not worried at all. Honestly I am very nervous and anxious. I just hope everything goes smooth and with no issues. I have put together a list for the third trimester, things I have done and still need to do.

Baby Shower

Even though this world is crazy right now, you still should throw a shower and celebrate your little one! It is a great way to get most of the things you will need for the baby.

Pack your hospital bag

This was a lot easier this time around. I was able to cut down a ton of items that I packed with my oldest and never needed. The hospital provides more than you would think for you and baby. I have a post where I talked about what items are essential and what ones were not if you want to go read that.

Purchase items you did not receive at shower

If there were any “must have” items that you have not purchased or received yet, you may want to finish purchasing them. If anything is not a “must have” then you can always wait until after the baby is here just in case someone buys it for you last minute or after your baby comes.

Pre-register with the hospital

If you did a tour at the hospital you are delivering, you may have already done this. With the pandemic going on, the hospitals are not doing them right now so you may have to do it online. If you don’t get it done before you go in, it’s no big deal you can still go through the process at the hospital.

Install car seat

You will need your car seat installed for the baby to be able to leave the hospital. Make sure you and your partner know how to get the car seat in and out of the car. When in doubt, you can always take it to your local fire station and see if they can show you how to do it.

Wash baby’s clothes and sheets

Once you have all of your baby’s clothes, sheets, blankets, etc. you will want to make sure they are all cleaned using baby detergent. I use either Dreft or Purex for baby.

Assemble baby gear

Go ahead and assemble any baby gear that you have. I have been doing this for the past couple weeks to make sure everything is put together by the time she makes her appearance so we don’t have to do it when she is here.

Make arrangements for other children/pets

Make sure you have talked to someone about watching your other children/pets while you are in the hospital.

Download a contractions app

You want to make sure you keep track of this so you don’t go to the hospital too soon and get sent home. The app will make it easy for you to keep track of the 5-1-1 or 4-1-1 rule. Most second time parents follow the 5-1-1 rule. If you are having contractions every 5 minutes (or 4) apart, lasting for 1 minute each, for an hour, start heading to the hospital.

Choose your pediatrician

If you have not chosen one yet, you should start looking hard now.

Prep for your postpartum needs

You will want to be comfortable at the hospital. Postpartum is crazy and a huge adjustment that will require some things that you may have never had stocked in your house before. If you can stay away from having to run errands with a newborn the first few weeks, this is what you would need.

  1. Nursing pads
  2. Giant pads
  3. Depends
  4. Peri-bottle
  5. Dermaplast
  6. Epsom salt
  7. Witch hazel pads
  8. Aloe

Stock the house with food/Essential items

Like I said before, it will make your life easier if you stock up on things you need before baby comes so you don’t have to run anywhere with your newborn as soon as you get home. Make sure you have dinners thought out, snacks, drinks, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.

Walk or workout

As long as your doctor says it is okay, keep working out and going for walks. Especially in this trimester, the more active you are the easier labor will be. It also helps in the end to help move baby down the birth canal faster. Giving birth is very exhausting mentally and physically so the more active you are during pregnancy the better the big day will be for you and baby!

That’s my list! I am sure there are a thousand more things that I could put on the list but at this point I am just making sure to check off the essentials since your little one will be here so soon!

What all did you do in your third trimester?

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Pep talk for new moms

You did it momma! You brought a beautiful miracle into this world.

I am guessing that you spent your entire pregnancy preparing for this exact moment. Even so, you are worried and overwhelmed. This world is crazy and seems too unfit for your baby. I get it, I am having the same feelings.

Obviously your story will be different from anyone else, but I wanted to write on some common experiences.

  1.  The ideal parent in your head does not exist. Honestly perfect parents just don’t exist. There are many parents that you can learn from and they can learn from you, You will never meet anyone who just has all of the answers you need. Everyone is just doing their best and doing what works for them and their family.
  2.  Having a baby is hard work. Newborns are adorable and exhausting. Lower your expectations of what you can accomplish everyday. Find a system that works for you and if anyone offers help, take them up on that offer!
  3.  Great mom friends are NOT competitive.  Everyone has a little competitive nature in them. When you see a child hit a milestone before your child it can make you feel like you are not doing something right. Just remember that what you need are mom friends that cheer you and cheer you up. Surround yourself with women who are encouraging and you do the same!
  4.  You are going to be judged. No matter what you choose to give your baby or not give your baby, you are going to be judged for it. There will be people if you choose to breastfeed that are against it or give you weird looks if you are feeding your baby in public. I have dealt with that with my oldest and I am sure I will go through it with this baby as well. There will be no end to the judging, you just have to ignore it. As long as your baby is happy and healthy, then who cares.
  5.  Sleep when baby sleeps? HAHA! When someone tells me this, I just laugh. There is so much you can get done while baby is sleeping. Some days when my oldest was a newborn, I would get everything done for two days in one day and then try to nap. It was hard honestly because my brain just did not want to shut off thinking about everything else I could get done. Or just have some mommy time while baby is sleeping is amazing! The amount of sleep that you will learn to function on is crazy! Sleep while you can when you are pregnant. I have a four year old and another on the way, I love to relax and try to nap when I can.
  6.  You will learn to only use one hand for everything. You will become a master multitasker. Babies do not understand that their moms need to do other things as well. You will learn to do everything with one hand. This might make you laugh but it’s the truth, I have learned to do things with my nose and mouth as well. haha. Invest in a baby carrier! It will be a life savor I promise. Especially if you have more than one child.

You have so much to look forward to including: first words, crawling, standing on their own, walking, lots of kisses, bedtime stories and holidays. For now, snuggle with that beautiful baby and treasure this point in time!

You are already an amazing momma!



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Hospital Bag Checklist

Here I am at 31 weeks pregnant, thinking about what I should pack in my hospital bag this time around. I feel like with my oldest I over packed which is normal for me anyhow. So I have been doing some research on the necessities and I am going to try to stick with just those. I don’t plan on actually packing until around 33-34 weeks, but I do like to get the items ahead of time so I know I have everything.

Mom’s Bag

  1. Birth plan- I personally don’t have one and I didn’t have one for my oldest, but if you do make sure to make copies and pack them.
  2. Toiletries- Don’t forget these! These items include: hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair ties, shampoo, conditioner, loofah, body wash, chap stick, deodorant, glasses/contact lenses, flip flops for shower.
  3. Comfortable clothes- You will want loose fitting clothes/ PJ set.
  4. If you plan on breastfeeding, you will want to pack these items: nursing pad, nursing bra and shirt, and nipple cream. (your nipples will appreciate you)
  5. If you want to bring your own pillows and bath towel. The towels in the hospital are not extremely nice.

Baby Bag

  1. Car seat- You have to have your car seat to take your baby home. I recommend bringing it in with you, especially if you are having your baby during this pandemic, they might not let you go back out to get it.
  2. Going home outfit- I am planning on packing two outfits just to make sure. Also packing a hat and a couple bows.
  3. Pediatricians contact info- The doctors and nurses will ask you for this, just make sure you have it handy.
  4. Do not bring diapers! They will have them for you. I am using a specific kind of wipes so I am going to pack wipes. If you are not specific then don’t pack either.

Partners Bag

  1. Lots of snacks! You never knonw how long you will be in labor. Also it will be nice to have some snacks for yourself once you are able to eat again.
  2. Pillow and Blanket- If you do not want to use the thin and small hospital ones.
  3.  General Entertainment- Like I said before, you don’t know how long the process is going to be so bring something to keep you occupied.
  4.  Change of clothes
  5. Bathroom necessities

Now that you are all packed, it will be much easier to grab the bags and get to the hospital quicker. I wish all the mommas to be a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery!

What are some other items that you have packed or plan on packing?



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A letter to my unborn daughter

This week marks 11 weeks left until we meet your sweet little face. Time is flying by, I am excited but also worried for you to enter this world during a pandemic. We are taking all of the precautions to make sure we are all safe.

When I saw those two lines on that test, I was so thrilled I could not believe it! I started crying from happiness, I immediately got your brother Kendyn ready and we walked to the library to get a book about being a big brother so we could tell your daddy the news when he got home from work that evening.

At 10 weeks on new years eve, we found out that you were a girl and we were so thrilled! Mommy is so excited to dress you up in cute outfits and bows!

I dread the day when life knocks you down because I can’t protect you from the world. Baby girl, Just remember to be who you want to be and never be afraid to alter your path. Even though I cannot promise you everything, I can promise to show you love in all it’s forms. I promise you are going to be born into a house full of love.

Yes, you are the baby, but that just means we have been waiting longer for you. Your siblings love you so much already, Kendyn is so excited to be able to teach you all kinds of things. He asks me everyday if he can teach you different things and he loves talking to you in my belly. You have four siblings that will help teach you how to crawl, walk, talk, give hugs, kisses and how to make your dad melt.

Even though the house is a mess, and the dishes are dirty, we promise that the kisses are plentiful, the hugs are warm, and you are very loved! I hope that makes you feel important, protected, and beautiful.
I will miss feeling you move around in my tummy and know that you are safe in there, but I am so excited to meet you!

Love you so much baby girl!

XOXO, Mommy